Hello! Welcome (back) to, formerly the greatest website on the internet but now probably closer to number 4 or 5. This is something like Version 53 of this website and this time we’re going to be doing things a little differently but probably not too differently. As always we are more than happy to accept content submissions of any and all forms from any and all parties. Big plans are in the works and if you’re here today then it’s all for you. Whether it’s your first time here or you’ve recently rediscovered us, please enjoy your stay.

Also there is now an Etsy shop available that does not yet carry Merchandise but very well may in the future so feel free to check that out if you’d like.

Love xoxoxo


P.S.- As always, if you have: suggestions/questions/pictures of old T-Shirts/artwork contact ya boy however you see fit.

P.P.S.- is fully supported on mobile devices but if you would like the full experience we recommend using a computer.